From Montreal with Love
Let's All Share The Love ♥
Today we are bringing you Love from Montreal, where Andrea Hurtarte lives and works. Lots of Love.
Montreal, a major international gateway, has been hit the hardest.
From Montreal with Love
by Andrea Hurtarte
How are things in Montreal, Andrea?
Although, sadly, many lives have been lost, Canada was lucky that we had some time to prepare, seeing how things were evolving around the world.
Montreal is one of the hardest hit places in Canada, but we are disciplined, optimistic and resilient.
Going for a Covid 19 test in Montreal
Empty streets during the pandemic
How does the situation affect your everyday life?
The work of an artist is usually a solitary one. As I have been working from my home studio for the past two years, my everyday life hasn't changed that much.
For sure I miss my friends and family, but the silver lining is that my husband and I are enjoying this time together, time that we wouldn't otherwise have.
by Andrea
Can you tell us more about your feelings?
I feel privileged to be safe while still creating and sharing my work. I am thankful to be in a country that is doing its best to help its citizens to get through this difficult situation.
I am grateful for all the people that are selflessly taking care of us, keeping things going so we have food, healthcare, transport and access to essentials. I am also worried for essential workers, mainly my sister, working hard as a respiratory therapist in the hospital front-lines.
Finally, how does all that influence your Art practice?
This strange, halted period has given me time and silence. Time to explore and silence to listen to myself. These uncertain times also have translated into possibility. It's oddly freeing to have nothing expected from ourselves and expecting nothing from the world.
“All that remains is hope for the future and the potential to explore.”
by Andrea
“As you read in Andrea’s own words, she has been reflecting a lot during these trying times and has started a new series titled Exploration. I am personally very taken by Exploration-3, featured below. The whole series is highly emotionally charged and even includes some abstract works, unusual in Andrea’s practice.”