From Berlin with Love
Let's all Share The Love ♥
From Berlin with Love
by Lara Minerva
Today, meet Lara Minerva, our star collage artist from Berlin, Germany. When she is not cutting and pasting her truly amazing collages, Lara works as a psychologist helping autistic children.
How are things in Berlin Lara?
Berlin is not what it was a month ago. I am living in an area severely affected by the covid-19 pandemic. The atmosphere is surprisingly calm though as the majority of the population trusts the government’s decisions and our healthcare system.
Most people understand the importance of showing solidarity with vulnerable people and the “contact ban” forbids any groups of more than two people!!
The healthcare system seems to be dealing well so far with this huge challenge. We even welcome intensive care patients from Italy. This is a strong statement showing that we want to work together as Europeans.
“Showing solidarity with vulnerable people”..
How does the situation affect your everyday life?
Berlin is a vibrant city, famous for its cultural life and I usually enjoys all the city has to offer. Right now everything is different. As many other people in the world, I practice social distancing or rather physical distancing as I try to stay social through other means. Working from home, means I cannot go to The Autism Therapy Center to meet my little patients. Instead I am instructing their parents on the telephone on how to practice essential skills with their children. It is a very different kind of work and it feels much harder but might be quite beneficial in the long term.
As a collage artist, I just installed a little home studio in my bedroom with books, magazines and paper scraps all over the floor. I think the influence is mostly on my feelings
“Right now, everything is different”
Can you tell us more about your feelings?
First, there is sadness for the losses of this crisis and the worry for people in need to be protected. Some days it feels like life is on pause but time is passing by, inexorably.
Then, there are moments where I find positive aspects to living life differently. I become much more aware of my inner self. I can listen to my thoughts and explore my feelings. This is all then transferred into my collage art.
I can also concentrate more on reading. I finally started “Ninth Street Women” an important and inspiring book about some of the women that influenced the modern art scene in America and the world.
All in all spending more time with myself, without the distractions of the everyday life is an experience that will make me grow as a person and an artist.
Finally, how does all that influence your Art practice?
I am not sure yet. I noticed my recent collages are much more sensual than usual, may be as a subconscious response to the physical isolation. I also notice a tendency to create more abstract pieces. I recently read that the first artists moved to abstract because they lived in a world just destroyed by war. Maybe the isolation, the uncertainties and the renewed focus on my inner self will lead me into a more abstract direction.
Isolation, April 2020
by Lara
To support our friends in Cuba, and until May 31st, Uncommon Beauty will forfeit most of its share in any sale of Evelyn’s limited edition photos in our shop and send to Evelyn 80% of all net proceeds. Now is the time to show support through buying Evelyn’s art. SUPPORT THE PEOPLE OF CUBA .